Swimming Pool Chemicals, Cleaning & Maintenance
A pool's filter system does the work to keeping the water clean, but it takes chemistry to do the fine-tuning. It's important to carefully manipulate the chemical balance in pools for several reasons. One reason is that pathogens, such as bacteria, thrive in water. A pool filled with untreated water would be a perfect place for disease-carrying microorganisms to move from one person to another. Also, water with the wrong chemical balance can damage the various parts of the pool. In addition, improperly balanced water can irritate the skin and eyes. Improperly balanced water can also get very cloudy. There are several different chemicals that are recommended and required for pool maintenance, we provide Different types of chemicals to keep your pool water safe and clear.
Cleaning Works
Cleaning the Skimmer and Pump Basket
Floors and Duck Surfaces Cleaning (brushing, vacuuming etc.).
Cleaning of Filtration System There are three basic types of filtration systems – Sand, Cartridge and Diatomaceous Earth filter. Whichever system you have, you will need to be sure to clean and care for your filter.
Water cleaning (Leaves, little removal etc.)
Maintenance Works
1- Replacing Pumps and Motors
2- Checking Equipment Pad
we can safeguard your swimming pool area with a regular inspection of the equipment pad. Several elements come together at your equipment including water, gas, electricity, and potentially hazardous chemicals
3- Tile Maintenance
Unbalanced pH levels can cause calcium carbonate to separate from the water and form white, gray or brown patches on your pool tiles
4- Replacing Cracked Skimmer Lids/Cover
pool skimmer cover is used as a safety and maintenance feature. It is meant to prevent debris, other items, pets and people from falling into the skimmer well. It also provides a point of access to the skimmer for your swimming pool. Sometimes your skimmer lid will get cracked or broken over time and will require replacement.
5- Review Pressure Gauges
it’s the gadget that reads the amount of pressure building up inside the filter. we should get into the habit of checking your pressure gauge once a week. The typical swimming pool gauge is located on the top of the filter. It's a round device with numbers ranging from 0-60 divided into 10's or 5's by tick marks. The numbers represent the force of water flowing through your system in pounds per square inch or psi for short. filter needs cleaning if the pressure rises more than 10 psi over the original marking.
Chemical Supply
*Granular Chorine & chlorine tablets
*Bromine Sticks
*Total Alkalinity
*Ph Adjustment (Dry Acid, Soda Ash.etc.)
*Calcium Hardness
Pool Water Solutions
1- water balance
Below are a few of the reasons why having a balanced swimming pool is so important:
If you are using either a salt-based pool producing chlorine or a chlorine-based tablet pool, then your pH needs to be correct. If pool water is not balanced correctly then the chlorine sanitizer won't be working at full strength killing germs and bacteria.
Your water balance needs to be correct or it will affect your skin and eyes. The pH should be neither too acidic nor basic in order to feel comfortable.
An imbalanced pool can be corrosive to the liner, ladders and hand rail and other equipment such as the pump.
Total Alkalinity
Total alkalinity refers to how much alkaline is in the water. TA and pH go hand-in-hand. High alkaline water leads to high pH. Low alkaline water leads to low pH. That the average swimming pool should have an alkalinity reading of 100 ppm.
Stabilizer helps retain your chlorine longer just as insulation helps retain heat or air conditioning. Stabilizer can be added to some chlorine compounds to protect them from the breakdown effects of sunlight. When your stabilizer level is low, you'll use a lot more chlorine. When it's high, you may need to dilute your pool water to bring it back into the 40 to 100 ppm ideal range.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
All water contains dissolved minerals. As pool water evaporates, minerals remain behind and become concentrated. The more concentrated these minerals become, the harder it is for chemical additives to work and stains can form. If you have 3000 ppm or more of total dissolved solids or TDS, you may need to drain some water and add fresh water.
2- Pool Water Level
The level at which the swimming pool skimmers operate best is between one third and one half the way up the opening of the pool skimmer. If the level is higher, the water moving into the skimmer is going so slow that debris may pass by the opening without being pulled in. If the pool water is so high that it covers the skimmer opening, floating debris can't get in.
3- Water Testing and Treatment (PH, Chlorine)
Test total alkalinity level to make sure it falls between 80 and 120 ppm. Adjust this level before adjusting your pH.
Test pool water to make sure your pH levels remain between 7.2 and 7.6. Adjust by adding a pH balancer to the water.
Keep calcium hardness level between 200 and 235 ppm; high levels increase the risk for scale. Bring it down by adding soft water or use a scale inhibitor.
Prevent scale buildup by following a maintenance schedule for cleaning and testing the balance of water. Daily testing will ensure levels remain manageable.
Remove light areas of waterline scale buildup.
Test pool water to make sure your Free Chlorine levels remain between 1-3 PPM
Test pool water to make sure your Free Bromine levels remain between 3-5 PPM